I think that you can make a difference and inspire people by simply sharing your enthusiasm. I am passionate about design, good wholesome food, nature, children, arts and crafts, and the underdog. This is my blog about all of these things.
Please share ALL content including photos, images and text. Unless otherwise noted they are the exclusive property of Yer Cinnamon Girl but you may use it as long as you give me credit by linking back to the site I really don't mind. Thanks!
Email me!
Go ahead email me with any requests for inspiration, decorating questions you may be having issues with, organizational solutions, comments and concerns. I'm happy to help if I can...so let me know the service is free! vanessa@bust.com
I always credit the owners of anything featured here. But, if you have a problem with your stuff appearing on this blog please let me know and I will remove it right away
I have been collecting broken plates, tea cups, shells, broken mirrors, old cans, rocks, and beautiful earrings I love but lost one so decided to keep to make chandeliers..
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